Myriad-RF is a family of open source hardware and software projects for wireless communications, and a community that is working to make wireless innovation accessible to as many people as possible. This wiki is used to organise detailed information for Myriad-RF projects, that should be useful to both end users and developers alike.
Over time it is hoped that this wiki may also become a useful resource for more general information related to SDR and wireless communications.
If you would like to have edit access in order to contribute please contact Andrew Back.
Community projects
Note that Archived projects are those which are — as far as we are aware — no longer being manufactured and/or maintained, but that may still be in use and which also serve as useful points of reference.
Lime Micro documentation
Selected documentation for Lime Microsystems transceivers, plus the LimeSDR and LimeNET app stores, is also available on this wiki.
Developer/engineer resources