Osmocom GSM

Democratising Wireless Innovation
Revision as of 13:46, 19 August 2017 by AndrewBack (talk | contribs)
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Notes on running the Osmocom GSM stack with LimeSDR hardware.

Hardware support

For details of Osmocom support for LimeSDR and dependencies such as Lime Suite and SoapyUHD that must be installed, see:

For information on the OsmoTRX GSM transceiver:

Network-on-the-box (NITB)

For details of how to configure the OpenBSC software to run in network-in-the-box mode, see:

Running the transceiver

Starting the tranceiver module needs the -e (edge) options for LimeSDR to work:

# osmo-trx -e -a 'driver=lime,device=0'