ScratchRadio Examples
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Accessing The Example Programs
The example Scratch Radio programs are included in the source code distribution within the examples directory. They can also be downloaded directly from GitHub (see examples). These can be loaded into Scratch in the normal way, using the File->Load Project menu item as show below:
The following examples are provided, which may be used as the basis for more complex Scratch Radio applications:
- spectrum_viewer.sb2 - This is a simple program that uses the LimeSDR-Mini to receive radio signals in the 2.4GHz band and then plots them using the two types of spectrum viewer (spectrum and waterfall).
- loopback_test.sb2 - This is a loopback program similar to the loopback implementation given in the programming guide. This variant also includes all the radio components required to generate and demodulate an OOK radio signal.
- tx_example.sb2 - This is a complete OOK radio transmitter that operates in the 433MHz band. It repeatedly transmits ‘Hello World’ messages for a limited period of time.
- rx_example.sb2 - This is a complete OOK radio receiver that operates in the 433MHz band. It receives inbound messages for a limited period of time, displaying the received messages in the Scratch Cat’s speech bubble.
- radio_loopback.sb2 - This combines the transmit and receive examples in a single program, so that a single Raspberry Pi can be used to demonstrate messages being sent and received. Note that there is currently an issue with restarting simultaneous transmit and receive operations , so repeatedly running this example will not always be successful. This should be less of an issue with real applications which are not expected to repeatedly stop and start the radio.
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